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Arindam had keen interest in music from his childhood but he started learning Hindustani Classical Vocal music from  the Gandharva Mahavidyalaya, New Delhi. Currently he is under the tutelage from  his Guru Pt. Madhup Mudgal.

He has completed M.Phil, PhD in music and also awarded ‘Sangeet Shiromani’ from The Faculty of Music & Fine Arts, Delhi University. He has also been awarded ‘Sangeet Visharad’ from Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya Mandal, Mumbai.

As part of the faculty of Gandharva Mahavidyalaya, New Delhi; he started teaching music since 2001 and conducted several successful Workshops on Music with the students of different schools & colleges in Delhi.

Arindam was an active member of renowned Gandharva Choir conducted by his Guru Pandit Madhup Mudgal.

Presently he has been appointed as a Hindustani Classical Vocal Teacher cum Performer in Indian Cultural Center at Johannesburg to teach and promote Indian Classical Music in South Africa since January 2016. 

Arindam has traveled abroad several times, countries like Germany, China, Spain, Poland, Nepal etc. He has performed in several music festivals in India and also accompanied vocal music with numerous renowned dancers of Kathak & Odissi; nationally & Internationally.

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